Date Published: 18th December 2019

Leadership vs Management

Leadership vs Management

Leadership and Management are some of the most commonly used words in business. But little fail to realize these are two very different concepts.

A manager will be in charge of running day-to-day activities. Whereas a leader is about showing a vision and leading the company. Both as valuable as each other and no company can succeed without them both.



A leader will help and inspire colleagues with the problems they face. It requires you to build up trust amongst the colleagues who follow you. It is a combination of the right skills that few have. A good leader requires a person to have a strong vision.


A manager will coordinate day-to-day activities to achieve goals. It is about planning, organizing, and directing colleagues and resources. Many programs can help you increase your management knowledge. Including, Product Management, Entrepreneurship, marketing and many more.


Differences in focus

Encouragement: A leader will focus on encouraging colleagues who follow them. They need to be able to inspire colleagues to make that change. Without taking action, the actions that change will be by the person, not the leader.

Organization: A manager will focus on organizing. The manager will see the change take place and makes sure it is done optimally. A manager will delegate tasks out and ensure everything that needs to be completed is.


Differences in basis

Trust: Leadership, as mentioned, is based on the trust of the colleagues who follow them. If there is no trust or there are doubt colleagues will not believe what is being said. Most will not follow the task that needs to be done. A leader’s job is to focus on answering any doubts and staying focused on their goals.

Control: Management is based on control, which is used to ensure colleagues are completing tasks. They will delegate tasks and responsibilities. A manager should also know their colleagues and how to bring the best out of them.


Difference in roles

Leader: Will have a vision that can make changes into people and colleagues’ lives. That’s why great politicians are great leaders. Good politicians always give a vision and help them achieve the same. They will give direction on how to achieve it.

Manager: Will make use of every available resource, including colleagues. They will ensure that the team is achieving goals is the most efficient way. Managers tend to be problem-solvers and must react to arising problems. They will also have to maintain stability, unlike leaders who can change the goals.


Which one are you?

Do people come to you for advice? If the number is high, and many people outside your hierarchy come to you for advice, you’re more likely a leader.

Do people trust your opinions? Leaders build trust, if you can influence opinions based on trust, you’d be more of a leader.

Do you control or inspire? If you lead by example and can inspire people you are more of a leader. Whereas, if you’re more authorities you’d be more of a manager.


Both are important

Both are as important as each other. Developing these can go a long way in helping your career. Companies will always need and benefit from people who do hold these skills.


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