Date Published: 18th November 2019

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies, what are they and why should you use them?

Why you should use recruitment agencies. If you’ve started your job search you know how sending off applications and preparing for interview can be a timely process. It also can be difficult to stay motivated when you’re not seeing anything come from it or you’re struggling to find vacancies.

Joining a recruitment agency can help reduce these difficulties and worries. They’re free, offer great advice and are well-connected.

What is a recruitment agency?

Known as employment agencies, they act as a middles man between employers and job seekers. The find and fill vacancies on behalf of the employers. Signing up to them will sometimes give you access to jobs that aren’t available elsewhere, as many companies use them and can be exclusive.

The description is passed on to the agency and is then used to search through a pool of CVs in its database that matches the vacancy requirements. Alternatively, they might put a job advert out to bring in candidates and shortlist from this. Then working with the candidates and employer they will arrange interviews.

Should I use a recruitment agency?

There are many benefits using a recruitment agency. For example, there are specialist agencies that have strong knowledge of their industry, which means they can give you advice on the best way to break into your career.

They’re well-connected meaning you can be put forward for many positions with a range of companies your skills set match with. They can also give you tips on how to improve your CV and cover letter; also give you tips on interview techniques. Additionally, if you do not get a job you were put forward for, the agency will give you constructive feedback.

Try not to rely solely on agencies. You can use social media to build and connect with companies or even reaching out to the company itself.

How to join an agency.

Make initial contact by sending your CV and cover letter or phoning the agency. You can also call the agency after submitting your CV to make sure that they received it. You will most likely receive and phone call and/or be asked to make an appointment for an informal interview. This is so you can discuss your career plans and to get to know you a little more. Making a good first impression is vital, so act and dress professionally.

Some agencies will ask you to do some skill tests to determine your level of IT and spelling skills. If the agency feel they can help in your search, your details will be added to their database and will get in touch when appropriate vacancies arise.

Keep in regular contact with your assigned recruitment consultant. Take their advice as they know what employers are and aren’t looking for. Accept interview unless you have a strong reason not to go with your instincts, and always ask for feedback after each one. Don’t forget to let the recruiter know when you are no longer looking as they will continue to contact you about opportunities.

Should I Join more than one agency?
Yes, but don’t just register for the sake of it. This can be portrayed as unprofessional and not serious about your job search, as you can be put forward to the same vacancy from multiples agencies. The employer will not know who represents you and may just disregard your application.

Make sure you know what agency has put you for which role and be clear to other agencies about this.


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