Date Published: 9th October 2019

How to create a gender balanced workplace

How to create a gender balanced workplace

There are multiple areas that employers can focus on to bring positive changes in the workplace that is gender equality to create a gender-balanced workplace.

Close the gender pay gap

78% of larger firms reported a pay gap in favour of men in 2018. Some ways to close the gap can include:

  • Base salary on the market rate rather than candidate’s salary history. Have pay ranges for each position to ensure salary is fair regardless of gender.
  • Be more transparent with the pay ranges, so employees are aware.
  • Review working practices to ensure employees are being paid equally for work of equal value


Promote shared parental leave

It remains in the UK that mothers predominantly take on childcare responsibilities. Meaning women to take more time out of work. In return, they tend to suffer hurdles when returning work and reaching top positions. Shared parental leave is available, but approximately only 2% of couples take this. There are many reasons for this, including financial and cultural reasons. Some advice for employees to do is:

  • Promote shared parental leave and endorse an environment where it is culturally acceptable for males to take these responsibilities.
  • Consider matching enhanced rates for maternity and paternity. This will provide the parents with a choice when structuring their childcare without being having a finical disadvantage.


Workplace well-being

A good way to retain talented individual is promoting a mindful work-life balance for employees.

  • Create a system where employees are rewarded for achievements not hours worked.
  • Offer equal rights to flexible working, such as part-time work, working remotely and job shares
  • Ensure equal access to well-being initiatives, such as access to an experienced mentor
  • Train all managers in gender equality to allow women to progress at the same rate as their male colleagues


Consistent recruiting process

The recruiting process is the most commonplace for gender inequality happens. Here are a few suggestions for the employer:

  • Remove the name from any CV to prevent unconscious bias
  • Ask the same questions to all candidates
  • Ask questions in the same way to all candidates to avoid different phrasing prompting different answers


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