Date Published: 4th June 2019

Incentives To Bring Out The Best In Your Executive Talent

Graphic with laptop on desk: Incentives To Bring Out The Best In Your Executive Talent

It can take a lot of time and energy to recruit the perfect executive talent. Once you finally have the perfect people in the job roles, you want to make sure they will strive. Having incentives can typically help with employment satisfaction. Different incentives will appeal to different employees, some may want financial incentives, or it could be a good work/life balance. Either way it is important to recognise what your team wants. We have a few incentives here which could help to bring out the best in your talent.



Financial incentives are usually the first ones that spring to mind. Whether it is commission or a bonus, it can be a huge incentive to be as product as possible. If you are working in a sales environment, then commission and bonuses can typically work really well. The employee can see exactly what they are working towards and will know what their reward is at the end.


Flexible Hours

This is becoming increasingly popular for employees. When candidates are looking for roles, they will often look out for the option of flexible hours on the job description. Starting a few hours hourly or later might make the world of difference to an employee. It might fit in much better with their lives and they will also be more productive at work. So it is a win, win if you can offer this.


Training and learning

Offering your employees training and workshops allows them to expand their skills and knowledge. They can be more successful in their role if they are receiving great quality training. Workshops, training sessions, seminars or webinars can be great way to develop your employees’ skills. Helping your employees to develop usually makes them feel more valued and appreciated!



Recognising your employee’s success usually makes them feel highly appreciated. Especially if you can make it personal and specific to them. If someone has gone above and beyond, let them know that their work has been appreciated. It doesn’t need to be a huge gesture but just saying a small thanks can go a long way.


These incentives can be great ways to motivate your executive talent to be the best they can be. Not all incentives have to be costly either. Flexible hours and recognition don’t have any cost and can make a huge difference. See what your employee’s want and try to make them feel valued.


What are your favourite incentives?


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