Date Published: 3rd June 2019

Interview Tips To Make A Great First Impression

graphic: interview tips to make a great first impression


After finally getting the interview you’ve been trying so hard to get, you want to ensure you can impress the interviewer and show off all of your skills. With some preparation, you’ll be able to make a great first impression in your interview!


Research the company

Make sure you’re doing your homework before you go for your interview. Research the company thoroughly so you have a clear understanding of what they do, their aims and their objectives. You can then use your research to demonstrate how you can add value to the company. Look at the company’s website, social media and previous work they have done. It will be clear in the interview if you have researched the company or not!

If your role allows you to, you could come up with a small progression plan for what you could bring to the company. For example, see how they are currently doing work and show how you could improve this.


Ask your own questions

Asking questions shows the employer you are really interested in the role and the company. The interview is a two-way process and you need to find out if you think you will fit the role and fit in with the company. It also will impress the employer that you are feeling confident enough to ask your own questions! Before the interview come up with a few short questions you could ask. It could be about the future of the company, the progression of the job role or any goals the company has in mind.


Be professional

People always say that even before you start speaking, your interviewer will have made a judgement of you. Make sure that you arrive early, this gives you time to prepare yourself and calm down. Turning up late will only cause you to be stressed which will show in the interview and you won’t have time to mentally prepare. You also need to ensure you have dressed appropriately. Plan your outfit the night before and get it ready. Make sure it is a professional outfit and it is clean, tidy and ironed.



It is easier said than done to relax in an interview, but it will be so beneficial if you can! If you are calm in your interview, your interviewer will be able to get a better idea of what you are really like. You’ll be much more confident and be able to answer the questions better. Remember you are in no rush to answer questions, if you need a moment to think, take it. It is much better to pause for a moment and prepare a good quality answer than rushing into babbling and not fully answering the question.


Go over your CV and the job description thoroughly

It is important to know everything about your CV. If the employer goes through your CV and asks questions about it, you will want to know exactly what they are referring to. Before the interview, think about all your key responsibilities in each role and be ready to expand on what you have written on your CV. Make sure you also know the job description thoroughly. You need to be aware of what type of skills you want to be demonstrating. You also want to be highlighting all the relevant experience that will prove you’re the perfect candidate for the role.


What are your favourite ways to prepare for an interview?


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