Date Published: 4th July 2019

Questions To Ask During Your Interview

Laptop and mobile graphic: Questions To Ask During Your Interview

A job interview is a two process, the interviewer will want to be finding out your skills and experience and you need to make sure that you like the company. Candidates often think they should only be answering questions. But asking questions will not only make you look much more interested in the job, but also will give you an idea of the company. You will want to prepare a couple of questions to ask at the end of the interview. Write them down prior to the interview and really think about what you want to find out.


What Do You Want To Find Out?

Would you like to find out more about the role and the responsibilities? Or would you like to know more about how the company will be progressing and their aims? Or you might want to find out more about the office environment? Whatever you want to get out of the interview, make sure you have prepped your questions before!

You don’t need to ask hundreds of questions, just a couple of good quality ones. Aim for open questions so it can be a bit more of a discussion. But try to avoid questions that might prove a lack of research. Such as what specifically does the company do. Questions like that will make the interviewer question how much research you have done.


What If Your Questions Have Been Answered?

If it gets to the end of the interview and all of your questions have been answered, simply explain that. Tell your interviewer that you planned to ask certain questions but they had been answered.


Example Questions

Here is a few examples of questions you could ask your interviewer:

  1. What are the company’s aims for the next few years?
  2. What do you like about working for this company?
  3. Will I be able to have any external training?
  4. What are the daily responsibilities in the role?
  5. What are the long term expectations for someone in this role?
  6. Is there any travel expected with this role?
  7. What is the management style like?
  8. Is this a new position? If not, why is it available?
  9. What are the biggest challenges the company has faced?
  10. What are the next steps?


Check out our latest recruitment advice blog on Interview Tips To Make A Great First Impression!

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