Date Published: 8th July 2019

The Best Tips To Prepare For A Video Interview

Man on Computer graphic: The Best Tips To Prepare For A Video Interview

In the past few years, video interviews have become increasingly popular for recruiters. It can be daunting to have a normal interview, let alone prepare for a video interview. Read on to find out our best tips to prepare for a video interview.



This is the best piece of advice for candidates carrying out a video interview. Set up the computer prior to the interview so you can ensure the lighting, backdrop and the quality is good. You don’t want to be getting ready five minutes before and realise something doesn’t work!



Even though it is a video interview and you are behind a screen you still need to ensure you are professional. Dress appropriately like you would for a normal interview. This will also put you in the right mindset. Make sure you look professional, have good posture, make eye contact and uphold all normal interview etiquette.



Following on from ensuring you look professional, make sure your background is. Try to have a simple background without any distractions. You don’t want to have any posters or personal belongings in the background. Ideally do the interview in an office or at a desk so you still feel like you are in a professional environment.


Eye contact

It is so easy to look at your interviewer on the screen, or even to look at yourself to make sure you look professional. However, try to make sure you are remembering to look at the camera, like you are making eye contact in an interview. It can feel uncomfortable and difficult to avoid staring at the screen but try to have a natural conversation like you would in an interview.


Most importantly stay calm. It is easy to stress about the fact it is a video interview, but just remember to stay calm during the interview. You still want the interview to be good quality and you won’t want to be worrying about the fact it is a video interview the whole time.


Check out our blog on phone interview tips!

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